Source code for qrules.quantum_numbers

"""Definitions used internally for type hints and signatures.

`qrules` is strictly typed (enforced through :doc:`mypy <mypy:index>`). This
module bundles structures and definitions that don't serve as data containers
but only as type hints. `.EdgeQuantumNumbers` and `.NodeQuantumNumbers` are the
main structures and serve as a bridge between the :mod:`.particle` and the
:mod:`.conservation_rules` module.

from decimal import Decimal
from fractions import Fraction
from functools import total_ordering
from typing import Any, Generator, NewType, Optional, Union

import attr
from attr.validators import instance_of

from qrules._implementers import implement_pretty_repr

[docs]@total_ordering @attr.s(eq=False, frozen=True, hash=True, order=False, repr=False) class Parity: value: int = attr.ib(validator=instance_of(int)) @value.validator def __check_plusminus( # type: ignore # pylint: disable=no-self-use, unused-argument, unused-private-member self, _: attr.Attribute, value: int ) -> None: if value not in [-1, +1]: raise ValueError(f"Parity can only be +1 or -1, not {value}") def __eq__(self, other: object) -> bool: if isinstance(other, Parity): return self.value == other.value return self.value == other def __gt__(self, other: Any) -> bool: if other is None: return True return self.value > int(other) def __int__(self) -> int: return self.value def __neg__(self) -> "Parity": return Parity(-self.value) def __repr__(self) -> str: return f"{self.__class__.__name__}({_to_fraction(self.value)})"
def _to_fraction(value: Union[float, int], render_plus: bool = False) -> str: label = str(Fraction(value)) if render_plus and value > 0: return f"+{label}" return label
[docs]@attr.s(frozen=True, init=False) class EdgeQuantumNumbers: # pylint: disable=too-many-instance-attributes """Definition of quantum numbers for edges. This class defines the types that are used in the :mod:`.conservation_rules`, for instance in `.additive_quantum_number_rule`. You can also create data classes (see `attr.s`) with data members that are typed as the data members of `.EdgeQuantumNumbers` (see for example `.HelicityParityEdgeInput`) and use them in conservation rules that satisfy the appropriate rule protocol (see `.ConservationRule`, `.EdgeQNConservationRule`). """ pid = NewType("pid", int) mass = NewType("mass", float) width = NewType("width", float) spin_magnitude = NewType("spin_magnitude", float) spin_projection = NewType("spin_projection", float) charge = NewType("charge", int) isospin_magnitude = NewType("isospin_magnitude", float) isospin_projection = NewType("isospin_projection", float) strangeness = NewType("strangeness", int) charmness = NewType("charmness", int) bottomness = NewType("bottomness", int) topness = NewType("topness", int) baryon_number = NewType("baryon_number", int) electron_lepton_number = NewType("electron_lepton_number", int) muon_lepton_number = NewType("muon_lepton_number", int) tau_lepton_number = NewType("tau_lepton_number", int) parity = NewType("parity", Parity) c_parity = NewType("c_parity", Parity) g_parity = NewType("g_parity", Parity)
for edge_qn_name, edge_qn_type in EdgeQuantumNumbers.__dict__.items(): if not edge_qn_name.startswith("__"): edge_qn_type.__qualname__ = f"EdgeQuantumNumbers.{edge_qn_name}" edge_qn_type.__module__ = __name__ # for static typing EdgeQuantumNumber = Union[, EdgeQuantumNumbers.mass, EdgeQuantumNumbers.width, EdgeQuantumNumbers.spin_magnitude, EdgeQuantumNumbers.spin_projection, EdgeQuantumNumbers.charge, EdgeQuantumNumbers.isospin_magnitude, EdgeQuantumNumbers.isospin_projection, EdgeQuantumNumbers.strangeness, EdgeQuantumNumbers.charmness, EdgeQuantumNumbers.bottomness, EdgeQuantumNumbers.topness, EdgeQuantumNumbers.baryon_number, EdgeQuantumNumbers.electron_lepton_number, EdgeQuantumNumbers.muon_lepton_number, EdgeQuantumNumbers.tau_lepton_number, EdgeQuantumNumbers.parity, EdgeQuantumNumbers.c_parity, EdgeQuantumNumbers.g_parity, ]
[docs]@attr.s(frozen=True, init=False) class NodeQuantumNumbers: """Definition of quantum numbers for interaction nodes.""" l_magnitude = NewType("l_magnitude", float) l_projection = NewType("l_projection", float) s_magnitude = NewType("s_magnitude", float) s_projection = NewType("s_projection", float) parity_prefactor = NewType("parity_prefactor", float)
for node_qn_name, node_qn_type in NodeQuantumNumbers.__dict__.items(): if not node_qn_name.startswith("__"): node_qn_type.__qualname__ = f"NodeQuantumNumbers.{node_qn_name}" node_qn_type.__module__ = __name__ # for static typing NodeQuantumNumber = Union[ NodeQuantumNumbers.l_magnitude, NodeQuantumNumbers.l_projection, NodeQuantumNumbers.s_magnitude, NodeQuantumNumbers.s_projection, NodeQuantumNumbers.parity_prefactor, ] def _to_optional_float(optional_float: Optional[float]) -> Optional[float]: if optional_float is None: return None return float(optional_float) def _to_optional_int(optional_int: Optional[int]) -> Optional[int]: if optional_int is None: return None return int(optional_int)
[docs]@implement_pretty_repr() @attr.s(frozen=True) class InteractionProperties: """Immutable data structure containing interaction properties. Interactions are represented by a node on a `.StateTransitionGraph`. This class represents the properties that are carried collectively by the edges that this node connects. Interaction properties are in particular important in the canonical basis of the helicity formalism. There, the *coupled spin* and angular momentum of each interaction are used for the Clebsch-Gordan coefficients for each term in a sequential amplitude. .. note:: As opposed to `NodeQuantumNumbers`, the `InteractionProperties` class serves as an interface to the user. """ l_magnitude: Optional[int] = attr.ib( # L cannot be half integer default=None, converter=_to_optional_int ) l_projection: Optional[int] = attr.ib( default=None, converter=_to_optional_int ) s_magnitude: Optional[float] = attr.ib( default=None, converter=_to_optional_float ) s_projection: Optional[float] = attr.ib( default=None, converter=_to_optional_float ) parity_prefactor: Optional[float] = attr.ib( default=None, converter=_to_optional_float )
[docs]def arange( x_1: float, x_2: float, delta: float = 1.0 ) -> Generator[float, None, None]: current = Decimal(x_1) while current < x_2: yield float(current) current += Decimal(delta)