Source code for

# pylint: disable=too-many-return-statements
"""Serialization module for the `qrules`.

The `.io` module provides tools to export or import objects from `qrules` to
and from disk, so that they can be used by external packages, or just to store
(cache) the state of the system.

import json
from collections import abc
from pathlib import Path

import attr
import yaml

from qrules.particle import Particle, ParticleCollection
from qrules.topology import StateTransitionGraph, Topology
from qrules.transition import (

from . import _dict, _dot

[docs]def asdict(instance: object) -> dict: # pylint: disable=protected-access if isinstance(instance, Particle): return _dict.from_particle(instance) if isinstance(instance, ParticleCollection): return _dict.from_particle_collection(instance) if isinstance( instance, (ReactionInfo, State, StateTransition, StateTransitionCollection), ): return attr.asdict( instance, recurse=True, filter=lambda attr, _: attr.init, value_serializer=_dict._value_serializer, ) if isinstance(instance, StateTransitionGraph): return _dict.from_stg(instance) if isinstance(instance, Topology): return _dict.from_topology(instance) raise NotImplementedError( f"No conversion for dict available for class {instance.__class__.__name__}" )
[docs]def fromdict(definition: dict) -> object: keys = set(definition.keys()) if __REQUIRED_PARTICLE_FIELDS <= keys: return _dict.build_particle(definition) if keys == {"particles"}: return _dict.build_particle_collection(definition) if keys == {"transition_groups", "formalism"}: return _dict.build_reaction_info(definition) if keys == {"topology", "states", "interactions"}: return _dict.build_state_transition(definition) if keys == {"transitions"}: return _dict.build_stc(definition) if keys == {"topology", "edge_props", "node_props"}: return _dict.build_stg(definition) if keys == __REQUIRED_TOPOLOGY_FIELDS: return _dict.build_topology(definition) raise NotImplementedError(f"Could not determine type from keys {keys}")
__REQUIRED_PARTICLE_FIELDS = { for field in attr.fields(Particle) if field.default == attr.NOTHING } __REQUIRED_TOPOLOGY_FIELDS = { for field in attr.fields(Topology) if field.init }
[docs]def asdot( instance: object, *, render_node: bool = False, render_final_state_id: bool = True, render_resonance_id: bool = False, render_initial_state_id: bool = False, strip_spin: bool = False, collapse_graphs: bool = False, ) -> str: """Convert a `object` to a DOT language `str`. Only works for objects that can be represented as a graph, particularly a `.StateTransitionGraph` or a `list` of `.StateTransitionGraph` instances. Args: instance: the input `object` that is to be rendered as DOT (graphviz) language. strip_spin: Normally, each `.StateTransitionGraph` has a `.Particle` with a spin projection on its edges. This option hides the projections, leaving only `.Particle` names on edges. collapse_graphs: Group all transitions by equivalent kinematic topology and combine all allowed particles on each edge. render_node: Whether or not to render node ID (in the case of a `.Topology`) and/or node properties (in the case of a `.StateTransitionGraph`). Meaning of the labels: - :math:`P`: parity prefactor - :math:`s`: tuple of **coupled spin** magnitude and its projection - :math:`l`: tuple of **angular momentum** and its projection See `.InteractionProperties` for more info. render_final_state_id: Add edge IDs for the final state edges. render_resonance_id: Add edge IDs for the intermediate state edges. render_initial_state_id: Add edge IDs for the initial state edges. .. seealso:: :doc:`/usage/visualize` """ if isinstance(instance, StateTransition): instance = instance.to_graph() if isinstance(instance, (ProblemSet, StateTransitionGraph, Topology)): return _dot.graph_to_dot( instance, render_node=render_node, render_final_state_id=render_final_state_id, render_resonance_id=render_resonance_id, render_initial_state_id=render_initial_state_id, ) if isinstance(instance, (ReactionInfo, StateTransitionCollection)): instance = instance.to_graphs() if isinstance(instance, abc.Iterable): return _dot.graph_list_to_dot( instance, render_node=render_node, render_final_state_id=render_final_state_id, render_resonance_id=render_resonance_id, render_initial_state_id=render_initial_state_id, strip_spin=strip_spin, collapse_graphs=collapse_graphs, ) raise NotImplementedError( f"Cannot convert a {instance.__class__.__name__} to DOT language" )
[docs]def load(filename: str) -> object: with open(filename) as stream: file_extension = _get_file_extension(filename) if file_extension == "json": definition = json.load(stream) return fromdict(definition) if file_extension in ["yaml", "yml"]: definition = yaml.load(stream, Loader=yaml.SafeLoader) return fromdict(definition) raise NotImplementedError( f'No loader defined for file type "{file_extension}"' )
class _IncreasedIndent(yaml.Dumper): # pylint: disable=too-many-ancestors def increase_indent(self, flow=False, indentless=False): # type: ignore return super().increase_indent(flow, False) def write_line_break(self, data=None): # type: ignore """See""" super().write_line_break(data) if len(self.indents) == 1: super().write_line_break()
[docs]def write(instance: object, filename: str) -> None: with open(filename, "w") as stream: file_extension = _get_file_extension(filename) if file_extension == "json": json.dump(asdict(instance), stream, indent=2) return if file_extension in ["yaml", "yml"]: yaml.dump( asdict(instance), stream, sort_keys=False, Dumper=_IncreasedIndent, default_flow_style=False, ) return if file_extension == "gv": if isinstance(instance, str): # direct output of asdot output_str = instance else: output_str = asdot(instance) with open(filename, "w") as stream: stream.write(output_str) return raise NotImplementedError( f'No writer defined for file type "{file_extension}"' )
def _get_file_extension(filename: str) -> str: path = Path(filename) extension = path.suffix.lower() if not extension: raise ValueError(f'No file extension in file name "{filename}"') extension = extension[1:] return extension